Main Page
From Squared Wave
Squared Wave is the private wiki for Chris "directive0" Barrett. My hope is to use this wiki to save and share my projects so that others can replicate and build on what I've done.
- Picorder 2 - In Development
- A new Pi based Tricorder.
- Apogee - In Development
- A 2D game written in the Godot engine.
- Pillbox - In Development
- A 3D printed enclosure for a Raspberry Pi Zero that integrates Neopixel LEDs.
- Close Quarters Battle - Somewhat In Development
- A mobile phone game based on SpaceWar for the Palm OS.
- Nablin Loot - Somewhat Stalled
- A 2D sprite based steal-em-up with stealth elements.
- HeadsUp - Completed
- A Pygame based heads up display with simple features and IFTTT integration.
- Obso1337 - In Development
- A video series dedicated to recently deceased products and various projects and editorials.
- Picorder - Completed
- A functional replica of a Star Trek Tricorder that uses a Raspberry Pi Zero and a SensorHat.
- Virtual Pet Maturation Interface - Stalled
- A test bed to directly control the speed and operation of a Digimon (or really any) virtual pet and hopefully control its maturation.
- Salt Diffuser - Completed
- A mood lamp using NeoPixels diffused through a Salt Lamp, governed by an Arduino.
- The ARC Tesla Coil - Completed
- A small tesla coil built from mostly cheap off the shelf components.
- The Sonic A1 Work Cell - Completed
- A simple mock robotic workcell using a PBasic Stamp.
- - Completed
- A long defunct webforum for alternative skateboarding in Ontario
Handy Pages
Media Coverage