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Logo for the Picorder Project

The TR-108 is a Raspberry Pi Zero based system that includes a sensor package, battery, display and supplemental components to provide a satisfying and accurate Tricorder experience. In the interest of inspiring others to build on what I have done I am providing all of the documentation I can.


Basic functionality is complete; the program logs values from the sense hat and displays them. Future releases will optimize this code, for now its a dogs breakfast. What do you expect, I'm a noob.


Picorder.py uses a number of modules to operate, specifically:

  • Pygame
  • Senshat
  • RPi.GPIO
  • sys
  • time
  • math
  • os
  • psutil (PC Demo only)

Be sure you have these modules installed before attempting to run this program.


You can find all the necessary construction documents in the "construction" folder.

Adafruit parts Wishlist is here: http://www.adafruit.com/wishlists/435166

The base I used for the tricorder: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B001820194/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB


Picorder Wiring Diagram

The layout of the Picorder.


This project was made possible by information and inspiration provided by these sources: - https://hackaday.io/project/5437-star-trek-tos-picorder - https://github.com/tobykurien/rpi_lcars



Github Link

Additional Media

Youtube Video

I decided to make a youtube video under my Obso1337 channel to walk through how I designed and built this device.

Media Coverage

The Picorder has been discussed in a couple places so far. I'm honoured to have a project of mine covered by these publications.

A very nice piece written for Hackaday by Al Williams.

A story for Neoteo. Written in Spanish by Lisandro Pardo

Similar or Clone Devices

Somewhat rudimentary, but nevertheless effective clone of the TR-108. Uses a standard project box instead of the DS Tricorder Toy.
A clone of the tr-108 with extended capabilities and features. Very nice build into a DS Tricorder toy but with improved accuracy to screen prop.
Completely unique device. Not a clone of the tr-108 but an entirely new device built into a TNG Tricorder using the BM680 and AGM88 sensor packages.